Mobiliser les jeunes (Mobilizing Youth)
Funded by the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
Since its opening in 2013, La Maison has been providing shelter for French-speaking women and their children who are victims of domestic violence. Children and teenagers who are victims or witnesses of this type of violence can be emotionally and cognitively affected by the events they have lived through and the resulting family disorganization.
Children and young people are likely to reproduce domestic violence or develop high-risk behaviours, particularly in late adolescence, a period of transition to adulthood.
In response to these challenges, La Maison has developed Mobiliser les jeunes. More specifically, the program aims to :
Increasing resilience and preventing risky behavior among young people in the areas of sexual health, violence and substance use
Promoting the social and professional integration of young people through leadership development
Promote involvement and a sense of belonging to the Franco-Ontarian community by providing access to French-language resources, raising awareness of discrimination and forming a network of peer helpers.
The program's success is based on the quality of the training provided, thanks to partnerships with the Centre francophone du Grand Toronto, the YMCA, CATIE and the City of Toronto's Public Health Department. Mobiliser les jeunes received financial support from the City of Toronto and Canadian Heritage.