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Programme enfants-témoins (Child witness program)

Funded by the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, the enfants-témoins program is offered to women and their children (aged 5 to 18) in Toronto's Francophone community, who have been exposed to domestic violence.

Exposure to violence has many consequences for children. The enfants-témoins program aims to provide a safe space where women and children can share their experiences and access resources that can help them manage the impact of violence and changes in the family. Program activities encourage mother/child dialogue and the identification of positive ways of expressing feelings and acting in conflict.

Program benefits:

Programme enfants-témoins

Breaking silence and isolation / creating connections

Helping families understand the impact of domestic violence on children

Find positive ways of expressing feelings and dealing with conflict

Encouraging mother/child dialogue

Offering a safe and confidential space

The program consists of 10 sessions in groups of different ages, led by trained facilitators.

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